Modern BowHunters is a small group of Virginia Bow Hunters whose members consider each other family.
Our members have been hunting together for over a decade. As a group we strive to uphold the most respect to nature and to the land owners who permit us to use their property.
We take great care over the property that we are permitted to hunt, it is our priority to treat property owners respectfully, all while following local and state regulatory instructions as well as property owners guidelines.
Us at Modern Bowhunters, hunt all types of property and have experience in over 100+ Acres of untouched land to 2 acre backyards of more urban settings to help neighbors in need.
As a group, we have also been blessed to be able to give back to the community members through responsibly harvested game that we donate.
Modern BowHunters extends our thanks to our local community and landowners, for the opportunity to continue our tradition of responsibly harvesting local game, food contribution for those in need, as well as the safety of game population within our communities.
Sincerely, Modern BowHunters.
We would love to hear from you!!!
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